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Chris Brandt edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

vi ~/.profile

Profile for Yocto (bash)

alias ls='ls --color=auto -p --group-directories-first'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias la='ls -Ap'
alias ll='ls --time-style="+%b %d,%Y %H:%M %p" -Alp --group-directories-first'
alias lll='ls -lph'

# Print current colors:  $ dircolors

# Default bright bash colors (but the bold sometimes makes it hard to see in some terminals)

# Default bash colors, but not bold (because sometimes bold makes it hard to see in some terminals)

export LS_COLORS

# Simple command prompt (because having a long path as part of the command prompt is annoying)
#PS1='$ '

# Advanced Command prompt (current path on 1 line, command prompt on next line)
PS1='\[\e[33m\]DIR: \w\n\[\e[1;32m\]\u$\[\e[00m\] '

# On serial terminals, the default size is 80x24
# Also, the lines do not wrap when you get to the end of the line (it just overwrites the current line).
# So, we will resize the window to 120x50. Make sure your terminal is also set to 120x50
if [ "$(tty)" == "/dev/ttySC0" ] ; then
  stty cols 120
  stty rows 50

Profile for Buildroot (busybox)

alias ls='ls --color=auto -p --group-directories-first'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias la='ls -Ap'
alias ll='ls -Alp'
alias lll='ls -lph'

# Default bash colors, but not bold (because sometimes bold makes it hard to see in some terminals)

export LS_COLORS

# Simple command prompt (because having a long path as part of the command prompt is annoying)
#PS1='$ '

# Advanced Command prompt (current path on 1 line, command prompt on next line)
PS1='\[\e[33m\]DIR: \w\n\[\e[1;32m\]\u$\[\e[00m\] '

# On serial terminals, the default size is 80x24
# Also, the lines do not wrap when you get to the end of the line (it just overwrites the current line).
# So, we will resize the window to 120x50. Make sure your terminal is also set to 120x50
if [ "$(tty)" == "/dev/ttySC0" ] ; then
  stty cols 120
  stty rows 50

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