Control GPIOs, manage files and work with BLE - everything on a lovingly designed web interface!
So much more is possible! I look forward to your participation!
- ESP32_DEV (not tested)
- ESP32_WROVER_KIT (not tested)
- ESP32_PICO (not tested)
- ESP32_POE_ISO (tested)
- LOLIN32 (not tested)
- LOLIN32_LITE (not tested)
- Arduino IDE with esp32 platform version 3.0.4
- Librarys 'NimBLE-Arduino', 'ESP32Time' and 'ESPAsyncWebServer' installed
- ESP32 with connected SD card (SPIFFS will be implemented in the future)
- Files copied from folder "data" to SD card
- Partition Scheme: Huge APP
- Open sketch and check lines 10 to 15 in 'ESP32_WebOS.ino' for individual settings
- Select your ESP32 board and upload
Set GPIO modes and values! Settings are saved on SD! The read values are updated every second.
Download, rename, edit, delete files and directorys by context menu. Upload by drag and drop into File Explorer window.
And in addition to the dark mode, a light mode is also automatically recognized!
- NimBLE-Arduino with Apache-2.0 license by h2zero
- ESPAsyncWebServer without license by me-no-dev
- ESP32Time with MIT license by fbiego
- Add Apache 2.0 license
- Implement BLE read, write, notify etc.
- Implement cut, copy, and paste for folders and files in File Explorer
- Implement keyup listeners for various actions in File Explorer
- Implement file properties window
- Extend the features of File Editor
- Implement availability of SPIFFS as file storage
- Scan WiFi and select and connect network from search results
- Network config -> static IP and change AP
- Let ESP32 perform the calculations of the calculator inputs
- SPI or I2C hotplug hardware detection possible?