This is a small script that helps you to automatically send phone numbers in bulk to your VIBER Channel as contacts and thus reveal whether a certain phone number is associated with a registered VIBER account. There's no need in sharing your contacts with Viber. Overall it helps you with your Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) workflow on Messangers - specifically Viber.
It's not a full automation, you will need to do some things manually, but overall it saves more time by automating the most time consuming and dull task - adding phone numbers to the contact book
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a VIBER account
- Create a VIBER channel
- Use the following documentation to find your API token - You can find your token by entering your Channel’s info screen-> scroll down to “Developer Tools” -> copy token -> use the token for posting via API.
- Edit config.json in the repository and change [TOKEN] to your copied token
- Next time you are running the script, it'll automatically update the config file to include your UID and also would activate your channel api token by setting up a webhook.
- send a single phone number to a viber channel as a contact (this phone number has a registered Viber account)
python3 --phone +79124538669
- send a single phone number to a viber channel as a contact (this phone number doesn't have a registered Viber account associated with it)
python3 --phone +79124538670
- send phones in bulk
python3 viber_contacts --list phones.txt
- Open Viber Desktop and go to your VIBER channel
- Mostly always VIBER doesn't want to resolve contacts automatically, that's why you might need to do it manually or wait
- Account is unresolved if its name is still "a"
- In order to manually resolve the accounts you need to:
- Click on the "a" name on a popup contact. It'll take you to another view where the name of this contact would change
- If the name is a phone number and profile picture hasn't changed - it means that this phone number is not on Viber
- Otherwise, you'll see that the name of the contact is updated or you'll see a profile picture