This is a simple PHP implementation for Skybet API.
You can either get the files from GIT or you can install the library via Composer. To use Composer, simply add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"sharapov/skybet-php-api": "dev-master"
To initialize the API, you'll need to pass an array with your application user
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";
$api = new \Sharapov\SkybetPHP\SkybetAPI( [
'api_user' => 'test',
] );
// Retrieve available event classes
$response = $api->classes()->get();
// Retrieve events list on certain event class
$response = $api->football()->get();
// Retrieve event document by event id
$response = $api->event('20739612');
// Retrieve market for event by id
$response = $api->event('20739612', true)->market('86571269')->get();
print '<pre>';
print_r( $response );
print '</pre>';