This image extends the latest version of Jenkins Continuous Integration and Delivery server. Additionally, it comes with the latest stable version of Docker engine and the following plugins are pre-installed:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Change directory:
cd docker-jenkins
- Run provided vagrantfile:
vagrant up
- ssh to the vagrant box:
vagrant ssh
- Change to synched folder:
cd /vagrant
- Navigate to and create docker swarm environment
- Clone this repository:
git clone && cd docker-jenkins
- Execute this step if building the image from source. Otherwise skip to step 2 Use the following command to build the image from source:
docker image build --no-cache \
--tag shazchaudhry/docker-jenkins:latest \
--build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$(git log -1 --format=%H) .
Run this command to confirm git commit:-
docker image inspect shazchaudhry/docker-jenkins:latest | jq '.[].ContainerConfig.Labels'
- Use the following commands to run the image:
echo "admin" | docker secret create jenkins-user -
echo "admin" | docker secret create jenkins-pass -
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml jenkins
docker stack services jenkins
- If provided vagrantfile is being used, in your favorite web browser, navigate to http://node1/jenkins
- username =
- password =
- username =
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.portainer.yml portainer
Use Portainer agent setup to deploy inside a Swarm cluster- Portainer is available at http://node1:9000. Portainer documentation is here on github
vagrant destroy --force
destroy all VMs that were created above