- Install Xcode
- Install NVM
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.29.0/install.sh | bash
- Install Node
nvm install node && nvm alias default node
- Install Watchman
brew install watchman
- Install flow
brew install flow
- Install the react-native cli
npm install -g react-native-cli
- Init a new project
react-native init AwesomeProject
- Diff the DOM
- Declaritive => Productive => Reliable
- Live Update
- Relearn native apis to achieve the same goal
- Imperative APIS are standard
- The web is second class citizen in the mobile world
- Web views suck
- User Experience vs Developer Velocity
- Not write once run anywhere
- Learn once write anywhere
#Building an application ##Introduction to ReactJS
- Just the UI
- Virtual DOM
- Dataflow
Hello World in React-Native
- render
###React-Native Workflow
- Hot Reloading
- Chrome-Debugger
- React Tools
Adding random TODO's to our list
- initialState
- setState
Abstracting our logic of our listen and button into seperate components building an input for a todo
- propTypes
Preferencing props over state, when to use state and when not to, our UI is a representation of our data and nothing more
Who to follow on github in React-Native
API Requests and Real Data Fetch
Adding simple styles to our button list and title tags and making them layout in a nicer way
##Problems With CSS
- Global Namespace
- Dependencies
- Dead Code Elimination
- Minification
- Sharing Constants
- Non-Deterministic Resolution
- Isolation
- CSS In JS solves all fo these issues
Adding flux to our application and the benefits it provides
- Has methods which are called in our application
- Methods are called in response to user interaction
- Creates Payloads which usually consist of an intent/'action name', "CREATE_TODO" and {title: "My Favorite Todo", completed: false, description: "I need to do this"}
- Recieves incomming actions from action creators
- Dispatches all actions to registered stores
- Registers callbacks with the dispatcher to recieve incoming Actions {action: 'SOME_ACTION', data: 'SOME_DATA'}
- Mutates its state based on these actions
- Emits change to all listeners (Traditional Publisher Subscriber)
- Registeres with relevent stores to listen for changes
- Updates its view in response to the change of state
- Calls Action Dispatchers in response to user action
Extracting our todos into actions and stores
- Installing a library into our application using NPM
- Requiring it as a depedency
- Using Redux