On request from many of you I have created a telegram chennal where your guys can post your questions and then we can have discussions there about improving this project bit further and further help you guys can get.
Channel link : https://t.me/mymlmt
❓ Let me know on telegram if you guys want this project to be deployed with Docker and Kubernetes
This is one of major project of my undergraduate degree program.
Here, I have developed a disease predicting web app which using the concept of machine learning makes predictions about various diseases like Malaria, Pneumonia, Diabetes etc.
Cancer model = model
Diabetes model = model1
Heart model = model2
Liver model = model4
Kidney model = model3
Malaria model = model111.h5
Pneumonia model = my_model.h5
Kernal for Malaria model :https://www.kaggle.com/shobhit18th/malaria-cell
Kernal for Pneumonia model :https://www.kaggle.com/shobhit18th/keras-nn-x-ray-predict-pneumonia-86-54
Cancer : cancer.csv [In the repository]
Diabetes : diabetes.csv [In the repository]
Heart : heart.csv [In the repository]
Liver : https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/indian-liver-patient-records
Malaria : https://www.kaggle.com/iarunava/cell-images-for-detecting-malaria
Pneumonia: https://www.kaggle.com/paultimothymooney/chest-xray-pneumonia
Python ( 3.7 version)
- $ set FLASK_APP= app.py
- $ flask run
The whole project is deployed on Heroku Cloud.
Here is the link where you can access the project live : https://myml-mtapp.herokuapp.com/
Thank you!