| Documentation |
When resizing a digital image with interpolation, we usually need to sample values at non-integer coordinates. The sampling step, i.e., the separation between two adjacent pixels/voxels to be sampled, then determines the digital resolution in the resulting image. When given a target digital resolution, we usually want our image resizing routines respect the corresponding sampling step. For example, when visualizing a zoomed-in medical image, if the digital resolution calculated from the image header mismatches the sampling step, we will see either a squeezed or stretched image.
There are many Python libraries available to resize an image. However, functions such as scipy.ndimage.zoom
and skimage.transform.rescale
do not respect the sampling step. Here we use a very simple experiment to demonstrate this.
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
sampling_step = 0.7
x = np.arange(6).astype(float)
# Perform a linear interpolation with replication padding
y = zoom(x, 1 / sampling_step, order=1, mode='nearest')
With Python version 3.7.6 and Scipy version 1.6.3, we will have y equal to
[0, 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.125, 3.75, 4.375, 5.]
Since our sampling step is chosen as 0.7, we would expect the resulting array to have approximately 0.7 different between two nearby values. However, we get 0.625 in this case. For scikit-image,
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import rescale
sampling_step = 0.7
x = np.arange(6).astype(float)
# Perform a linear interpolation with replication padding
y = rescale(x, 1 / sampling_step, order=1, mode='edge')
With Python version 3.7.6 and sciki-image version 1.18.1, we have y
[0, 0.5, 1.16666667, 1.83333333, 2.5, 3.16666667, 3.83333333, 4.5, 5]
Here the nearby difference is 0.6666667 (ignore the first and last since they are affected by padding). It is not 0.7 either.
What happens here is that since the resulting image should have an integer number of values, these functions choose to change the sampling step (or the scale, the inverse of the sampling) to accommodate that.
However, if we use the PyTorch function torch.nn.functional.interpolate
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn.functional import interpolate
sampling_step = 0.7
x = torch.arange(6).float()
x = x[None, None, ...] # add batch and channel dim
# Perform a linear interpolation with replication padding
y = interpolate(x, scale_factor=1/sampling_step, mode='linear')
With Python version 3.7.6 and PyTorch version 1.8.1, we have
[0.0000, 0.5500, 1.2500, 1.9500, 2.6500, 3.3500, 4.0500, 4.7500]
Here we have our 0.7 sampling step back (ignore the values that are affected by padding).
Even if torch.nn.functional.interpolate
preserves the sampling step, the output field of view (FOV) does not align with the original image, as we can see from the above example. It is usually preferred to have the FOVs center around the same position before and after the interpolation to avoid shifting the contents of the image.
Here we provide an implementation to both preserve the sampling step and to align up the FOV.
# pip install https://github.com/shuohan/resize.git
from resize.scipy import resize
sampling_step = 0.7
x = np.arange(6).astype(float)
ya = resize(x, (sampling_step, ), order=1)
print(ya) # [0. 0.4 1.1 1.8 2.5 3.2 3.9 4.6 5. ]