Releases: sid-engel/Olympia
Olympia - v2.0
Contact Form Adjustments
Made the bottom form glide in, and changed the background image to something more... Minecraft related.
Heads up: This is probably the last, or one of the last commits to this project. I feel I have hit a wall, as there is not much more I can do...
Olympia v1.2.3 - Staff Section + Name Reworks
As requested I have added a staff section.
Also, the content section names(content-1, content-2, etc...) have been changed to (info, vip, staff, etc.), to make it easier to know what you are editing.
Olympia v1.2.2 - Navigation Adjustments, ETC.
In this update, I have responded to some of the SpigotMC discussions, and fixed what you guys wanted. Apologies on it not being done sooner.
The nav-bar is now fully functional on mobile devices
Nav-bar has a new ".active" selector, applying a style to it, while the user is on the corresponding part of the page.
The src instances have been fixed, to better work in any server location.
"Navigation bar doesn't work on mobile, using an iPhone 6."
Nav now works on mobile, and shows an active section style.
"You should replace all instances of "src/blah/blah" to "./src/blah/blah" otherwise viewing from index at breaks. Make sure to be actually calling from the base dir you want to be in."
This has been fixed as well :).
Olympia v1.2.1 - Footer Adjustment
Small tweak to the footer.
Implemented FontAwesome, for easy icon customization as bootstrap doesn't provide much.
Olympia v1.2 - Form Functionality
As promised, in this updated I have added functionality for the report form.
Along with some other minor tweaks.
- Adjusted padding
- Adjusted affect on scroll for about section
- Tweaked anchor points for navigation
- etc...
Olympia v1.1
In this update, the template has been given a Minecraft overhaul.
This has made it much more appealing, and given it an overall theme. Which, was needed.
Olympia v1.0
Happy to say that the template is officially public.
This is only the first release, and many awesome changes are bound to be released in the future. Who know's how far this will go?
As of this release, the form section does not function, so hopefully someone who knows some PHP can fix that, apologies.
Feel free to fork, and use the template for any of your web needs.