now needs smbus2 for i2c use for the boards...
This library can be installed with:
pip3 install smbus2.
Now...we can alter line 302 in the file to fit our needs.
First, go to .local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/smbus2/
filepath = "/dev/i2c-2".format(bus)
That is how the line 302 should look now outside of the regular pip3 install.
If you have a BBB, BBG, BBGW, BBBW, or another variation of board from, you can, with their debian images, add a 12v DC battery, a couple of hook-up wires(4), and a screwdriver, add functionality to your Motor Bridge Cape with the pip3 install and a DC motor.
Look at the source for for an update to the source. It is simplistic and approachable. If it keeps running, just run the source and Control-C before the software starts to cancel the motor from moving. will initiate your motor with time, make several turns, and
then turn in the opposite direction and then stop for about 10 seconds
before stopping the program. Enjoy!