The idea is to provide a vagrant template which offers the ability to fully setup a new project(or projects) where no manual configuration has to be done afterwards. Check out the config.yaml to get an idea of what is possible.
- Vagrant (tested with 1.9.1)
- Virtual box (tested with 5.1.22)
- Public and private key on your host machine which are added to your bitbucket account. (these keys are automatically added to the vagrant box)
- When 'vagrant up' is failing, it is possible that you need the vb box guest plugin
- See:
git clone
cd universal-vagrant-template
cp box/config.yaml.dist box/config.yaml
cp box/config_user.yaml.dist box/config_user.yaml
export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER="virtualbox"
vagrant up
- add to the hosts file with the ip (host file of host machine)
If you already followed the 'How to use?' step above first clean up by doing:
vagrant destroy && rm -rf .vagrant && rm -rf project
Now you are ready te define your own box:
- Edit box/config.yaml the way you want it.
- Edit box/config_user.yaml with your information
vagrant up
- add the domain to the hosts file with the ip you entered in the box/config.yml (host file of host machine)
The 'box' directory is not included in the repo of this template, so you can create your own repo for this implementation.
cd box
git init
git remote add origin {remote repository}
git push -u origin master
- Now you are still able to checkout new versions of the universal-vagrant-template
The project will be located in /var/www/htdocs/{domain} <- from your config file and is mounted in the vagrant folder in /project. You can use all kind of vagrant boxes that are provided onVagrant Cloud, the only thing that this template expects is that either nginx or apache is available in the box because it tries to set the vhost.
This template is tested with all boxes that you can find here
For the version and box that you are using look in config.yml to the variables: vagrant_box & vagrant_box_version
There is also an example implementation repository which you can checkout. If you already did some things in the box directory, first undo these changes.
cd box
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:Ard-Jan/universal-vagrant-template-box-example.git
git pull origin master
cp config_user.yaml.dist config_user.yaml
cd ../
export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER = "virtualbox"
vagrant up
- add to the hosts file with the ip (host file of host machine)
All the files in the directory box/* are excluded in the .gitignore from this template, so you can push your specific implementation in your own git repository for example.
- Go to the directory 'box'
git init
git remote add origin {your remote url}
- Now you are able to get along with updates of the universal-vagrant-template by checking out the new version in the box.
This vagrant template was created in 2017 by Ard-Jan Nijland.