You need Android Studio to work with this repository.
First thing you will need to compile this project is to create a Foursquare developer account. So you can start by visiting the Foursquare for Developers website and creating a new app. Once you’ve done this, you should have a corresponding Client ID
and Client Secret
for the app.
Secondly, you will also need to be a Google Maps developer, in order to create and display the map. You can get an API key by visiting the Google Maps Android API website.
Then lastly create a resource file .../res/values/api_keys.xml
(this path is ignored by git) with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">
<string name="foursquare_client_id" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">
<string name="foursquare_client_secret" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">
The Kotlin
plugin for Android Studio is also required.