Dudley Station connects 17 different bus lines, managing 16,000 boardings per weekday (source). But finding your stop is difficult over almost two acres of platforms. I couldn't find any existing maps of the station, so I made one.
Discussion on Twitter. Discussions of the old version are on Twitter, Reddit, Universal Hub, and this retweet.
I'm collecting a list of maps of Dudley Station here, as well as other station maps, for inspiration. You can find the first version of my map there, as well as the response by Nathaniel Fruchter that inspired many of the updates for v2. If you know of more, please send them to me.
Feedback is very welcome, whether it's about design, factual errors, or MBTA intellectual property policies.
Disclaimer: I work for the MBTA, but this is an unofficial project done in my free time.