My dotfiles
- Catppuccin Mocha color scheme
- dwm-like bindings
- alacritty
- sway
- waybar
- swaync
- dmenu
- wofi
Note: You need to install patched versions of sway and dmenu. You can find PKGBUILDs for them by following the links.
- catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha
- catppuccin-kde-theme
- dex
- dmenu
- glib2
- grim
- libnotify
- libpulse
- lxqt-policykit
- networkmanager
- pavucontrol-qt
- pipewire
- pipewire-pulse
- playerctl
- qt5ct
- slurp
- sway-slonk-git
- sway-systemd
- swayidle
- swaylock
- swaynagmode
- swaync
- systemd
- ttf-hack-nerd
- waybar
- wireplumber
- wl-clipboard
- wofi
- xdg-desktop-portal
- xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
- xdg-user-dirs
- xorg-xrandr
- light (For backlight control)
- pamixer (Getting microphone volume)
- feh (For the freeze mode of
- kolourpaint (For
Note: The .config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
file is tuned for VA panels. You probably want to create a new one with qt5ct.
Note: You need to configure .config/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr/config
for your setup.
Note: The project obs-savereplay
is not included in this repository. You need to write it yourself if you want to use it.