Major changes
Complete changelog
#1133 - [3.x] Backport Fix MQTT SSL Helpers to better handle misconfigurations
#1131 - [3.x] Backport Improve Kafka source health check to handle the lazy consumption case
#1129 - [3.x] Backport Add more tests around MediatorConfiguration and TypeUtils
#1128 - [3.x] Backport Fix MQTT Client when the keystore/truststore password is missing
#1126 - [3.x] Backport MQTT Client TLS Implementation
#1118 - Bump smallrye-config from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
#1116 - [3.x] Backport Update Weld to 3.1.7.Final
#1114 - [3.x] Backport Use @Identifier instead of @nAmed
#1112 - [3.x] Backport Add a few tests around the ConnectorAttributeProcessor
#1110 - Bump smallrye-common-annotation from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
#1107 - [3.x] Backport Add configuration parameter
#1106 - [3.x] Backport Configure CI to build on Java 15 and 16
#1104 - Bump vertx mutiny 2.2.0
#1102 - Only set the partition on a span if it's been set
#1100 - Modify KafkaConnector.TRACER initialization out of class construction
#1099 - [3.x] Backport Migrate test suite to junit 5
#1094 - Bump vertx-stack-depchain from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
#1079 - [Backport 3.x] AMQP - Expose virtual host attribute
#1068 - [3.x] - Fix graceful shutdown in the Kafka connector
#1067 - [3.x] Fix key name extraction when the channel contains dot
#1059 - [3.x] Fix#1053: Use passedConfig over defaultConfig in KafkaConnector (#1057 )
#1052 - [3.x] Add support for channel with dots
#1043 - Update to OpenTelemetry 0.17.1
#1032 - Bump testcontainers from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2
#1012 - Bump artemis.version from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0
#1011 - Fix subscriber requests
#1010 - Fix materialization cycle between emitter and mediator methods
#1005 - Update Mutiny to 0.14.0 and Vert.x Mutiny API to 2.1.1
#1000 - Update SmallRye Config to version 2.1.0
#997 - Update SmallRye Metrics to version 3.0.1
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