FastAPI app powering the backend for Jedwal, a tool to turn Google Sheets into REST APIs.
The API routes are served via a FastAPI/Starlette ASGI web server.
Google Oauth is used for user authentication, integrated with Starlette sessions.
The app is hosted on AWS via a Cloudformation Template. We use AWS SAM to configure the app as a Serverless project. Front to back, the infrastructure is:
- ECR: Repository containing the App's Docker Image
- Lambda: Serverless function that executes containers from the Docker image
- DynamoDB: Data storage to persist user data and spreadsheet API configurations
- API Gateway: Gateway to route HTTPS traffic to the Lambda function
- CloudFront: CDN to cache JSON responses via custom headers emitted from the REST API
- Route53: DNS hosting to hook up the API to
The Cloudformation template used to deploy this stack is in lambda.yaml
Alternatively, we could deploy this as an ECS Fargate service. See ecs.yaml
Local development is a litle scuffed until we figure out/wire up local auth (Google Oauth) and storage (DynamoDB).
If necessary, install Python, pyenv, and virtualenv.
brew update
brew install python pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
Install Python 3.12
pyenv install 3.12
Create a virtualenv for this project. We'll use "jedwal" as the name
pyenv virtualenv 3.12 jedwal
Activate the environment
pyenv activate jedwal
Install the necessary requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the local packages
pip install -e .
Run the FastAPI dev server with
fastapi dev # served to localhost:8000