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Nt8998 edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 5 revisions



Functional Description

This feature allows users to visually represent Data-Dictionary-Elements as buildungs and disctricts, offering a comprehensive view of the statically defined type definitions in the SAP system.

The concept resolves around creating two main disctricts: the Data-Dictionary disctrict, acting as the centralized hub for defining data objects such as data elements, domains and structures. The Tables dictrict, specifically designated for important data storage objects- tables. The Tables dictrict encompasses all tables included in the package, along with their corresponding table and view structures, providing a cohesive representation of the data architecture.


The DDIC feature is initally disabled but can be activated within the generator/properties/ Additionally, it is essential to modify the input folder from input/Example/ to input/ddicExample in generator/properties/ After enabling the feature, executing the generator will also draw the DDIC elements.

Test Case

This feature can be tested, executing the LoaderStep and AframeExporterStep. The resulting files, model.html and metaData.json, will contain the newly generated DDIC elements.

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