Welcome to the Machine Data Simulator. This service randomly generates data in a range that you specify in order to simulate Timeseries Data coming from a machine. This is helpful when testing services in the cloud.
The simulator requires the Reference App to be installed and calls the data-ingestion service. Please visit our tutorial series on [installing Reference App](https://predix.io/resources/tutorials/journey.html#Journey.Connect Devices Using Reference App).
The Data Ingestion service leverages the Reference App asset model and looks up the Asset. The Asset model is a one-to-many of Asset to AssetMeter. Each AssetMeter represents a Sensor and the AssetMeter object has various attributes about it. The Data Ingestion service traverses the Asset Meters and finds the one with the matching Node Name. It then gets the Timeseries Tag attribute and pushes the data to the Predix Time Series.
Why do we not pass the Time Series tag directly? From experience, we know that Time Series tags are transient. For many reasons a Tag Name might change over time (bugs, changes to logic, etc). This is why we treat the Node Name as the primary key and do a look up in the Reference App asset model.
In the future, we will provide a bypass, so the simulator can push the data to Time Series directly.
To start/stop the Simulator execute the following command
cf start machinedata-simulator
cf stop machinedata-simulator
Download the Machinedata-Simulator service
git clone https://github.com/PredixDev/machinedata-simulator.git
Build it
mvn clean install
Launch the service locally
java -jar target/machinedata-simulator-1.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
Look for the log entry indicating the port used. e.g. "Tomcat started on port(s): 8184 (http)".
Or you can push it to the cloud
cf push
cf push <my-machinedata-simulator-name>
Stop the simulator in cloud
cf stop <my-machinedata-simulator-name>
Start the simulator in cloud
cf start <my-machinedata-simulator-name>
##Tech Stack
- Spring
- SpringBoot
- SpringTest
- Maven