Update SLA Schema (YML, JSON)
Simplify & Optimize the SLA Schema
Update SLA schema to support Licensing information
Update SLA schema to support optional guarantee terms
Add cleaned up SLA examples (YML, JSON)
Standardize logs (Apache Log4j2 logging services)
Optimize the SLA Template generation
Mapping of SLOs with monitoring parameters in the SLA template
Introduce User Authentication in SLAs
Include user authentication in all SLA APIs
Include user authentication in all RabbitMQ messaging
Include user information in Templates
Include user information in Agreements
Include user information in Licenses
Support Kubernetes (K8s) compatible development
Support multiple RabbitMQ instances
Both scenarios (OpenStack WIM/K8s) are supported
Introduce new SLA parameters (availability, packet loss, input connections)
Introduce mapping between low-level QoS parameters and high-level SLA terms
Usage of deployment flavors in order to solve the problem of deploying different flavours of a NS according to the SLA
Create the mapping between a desired deployment flavor and an SLA during the SLA Template creation
Support of efficient CRUD operations for managing and configuring the deployment flavor in the SLA Template, through RESTful APIs.
Introduce Licensing as a Service into SLAs:
Add Licensing as a Service Level Objective (SLO)
Include license information into the SLA Template
Introduce license per NS and customer
Introduce three kinds of license types (Public, Trial, Private)
Introduce buying of a license in case of private license
License specifies the number of allowed NS instances
Check license status during NS instantiation
Support of efficient CRUD operations for managing and configuring all the Licensing information, through RSTful APIs.
Create relevant database table for storing correlation records between NS-SLA-Customer
Provide statistic information for graphs creation
Nº SLA Agreements vs. Violations
Nº Licenses Utilized / Nº Licenses Expired / Nº Licenses Acquired
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