- This repo consists of a stock market model for the year 2018-2022, the target vraible is closing price with all the other variables being the determiners of the closing price.
- Another dataset was also used to check the viability of the model.
- a simple linear regression model is used as a model
- the trends are clearly visible from the plots
- the trend seen is that, stock makrket goes down for first few initial months of the year and then gradually grows only to decrese near new year(and for a few months) however this trend is not followed for 2021 only.
- Volume is a storng variable as all the others depend on it except date
- How did a linear model work well wiht an unpredictible thing as stock market? (probable reason is that, we do not have Evey minutes data, i.e it is a complete dataset in the sense that we have 4 years of ready data, we do not have to predict "next minute's" data as such)
- Why were graphs reacting weirdly when volume was inculcated in any of graph(except the candlestick plot)?