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Extra components for QWC2

This repository contains extra components for QWC2.


Plugin for requesting plot information, including Swiss Public-law Restrictions on landownership (PLR) cadastre.

config.json configuration:

  "name": "PlotInfoTool",
  "cfg": {
    "toolLayers": ["Grundstücke"],
    "infoQueries": [
        "key": "oereb",
        "titleMsgId": "oereb.title",
        "query": "/oereb/json/$egrid$",
        "pdfQuery": "/oereb/pdf/$egrid$",
        "pdfTooltip": "oereb.requestPdf",
        "urlKey": "oereb_egrid",
        "cfg": {
          "subthemes": {
            "LandUsePlans": ["Grundnutzung", "Überlagerungen", "Linienbezogene Festlegungen", "Objektbezogene Festlegungen"]
  • toolLayers: List of layers to load when activating tool.
  • infoQueries: List of additional info queries to offer in the dialog (PLR cadastre query is built-in). By default, these render some HTML data in an iframe. If a custom component is needed for rendering the result, see configuration in appConfig.js below.
    • key: A unique key name.
    • title: The human visible title.
    • titleMsgId: Instead of title, a message id for the title which will be looked up in the translations.
    • query: The query to perform to retreive the info. Must return HTML, which is then rendered in an iframe. $egrid$ is replaced with the EGRID of the current plot. If the specified URL is relative, it is resolved with respect to plotInfoService as defined in config.json.
    • pdfQuery: Optional query to retreive a PDF report, which is then presented as a download the the user. Again, $egrid$ is replaced with the EGRID of the current plot.
    • pdfTooltip: Message id for the pdf button tooltip.
    • urlKey: Optional query parameter key name. If QWC2 is started with <urlKey>=<egrid> in the URL, the plot info tool is automatically enabled and the respective query performed.
    • cfg: Arbitrary custom config to pass to a custom component, see appConfig.js configuration below.

appConfig.js configuration:

Sample PlotInfoToolPlugin configuration, as can be defined in the cfg section of pluginsDef in appConfig.js:

PlotInfoToolPlugin: {
  themeLayerRestorer: require('./themeLayerRestorer'),
  customInfoComponents: {
      oereb: require('qwc2-extra/components/OerebDocument')
  • themeLayerRestorer: Function which restores theme layers, used for loading the toolLayers specified in the configuration in config.json. See themeLayerRestorer in the sample appConfig.js.

  • customInfoComponents: Customized components for rendering plot info query results. The key specifies a the info query for which this component should be used, as specified in infoQueries in config.json (see above). An example of a minimal custom component:

    class CustomPlotInfoComponent extends React.Component {
      static propTypes = {
        data: PropTypes.object, // PropType according to format of data returned by the specified query URL
        config: PropTypes.object // Custom configuration
      render() {
        return (<div>{}</div>);
    module.exports = CustomPlotInfoComponent;