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Proof of Access (PoA) is a mechanism used to validate that a storage node is storing a file on their local IPFS node. This technology is part of the SPK network and will be used to reward storage nodes with SPK cryptocurrency. Proof of Access is available as a Go app created by Nathan Senn (@nathansenn).


To run the app locally, use the following command: go run main.go -node 1 -username nathansmith go run main.go -node 2 -username nathansenn

To run the app in Docker, you need to have Docker installed. Then run the following commands:

For docker, you will need to change ipfs and pubsub files to use: var Shell = ipfs.NewShell("host.docker.internal:5001")

macOS: docker-compose build docker run -p 3000:3000 --interactive --tty proofofaccess_app ./main -node 1 -username nathansmith docker run --interactive --tty proofofaccess_app ./main -node 2 -username nathansenn

Windows: docker-compose build docker run -p 3000:3000 --interactive --tty proofofaccess-app ./main -node 1 -username nathansmith docker run --interactive --tty proofofaccess-app ./main -node 2 -username nathansenn

Once the app is running, go to http://localhost:3000 and enter your username and the CID hash you want to prove you have stored.


GNU General Public License v3.0


[email protected]


Nathan Senn (@nathansenn)


The development of Proof of Access was funded by the SPK network, and the funding proposal can be found at