This is a web application, which implements a "blog". You are able to create an account, log in and then write blog posts. You can also browse and read the blog posts. Take a look through the app, get it running and ideally understand its components. If you have notes on the implementation, feel free to bring them to our next interview.
This app will also serve as a basis for a code review during the next interview, so make sure you understand the code and click through the app.
- You can run the app directly with maven
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- You can also run the app with Docker
docker build -t blog-app .
docker run -it -p "8088:8088" -p "8082:8082" blog-app
Once the app is started it will be available at localhost:8088.
Some initial users and blog posts are already created using Liquibase.
You can log in the app using the following credentials:
- Username: john
- Password: test
Alternatively you can create a new user at localhost:8088/signup.
Once logged in, you can create blog posts from here localhost:8088/blog/create.
The index page localhost:8088 will list all blog posts. Then by clicking on one of the blog posts, you will be redirected to a page, where you can read the blog post. One example can be found here.
This is a simple Spring Boot application, running on Java 11 with an H2 Database. The frontend is built using Thymeleaf. It also utilizes Liquibase for schema evolution. The app has a built-in authentication using Spring Security.
The app has the following entities and their respective attributes:
- id
- username
- password
- id
- title
- content
- author_id -> id of the user, that wrote the blog post
- edited_at -> the last time, that the blog post was edited
- views - the number of times, that the blog post has been read
If you have any questions or problems running the app please let us know as soon as possible.