A fixed package of angular-google-place to use a source for npm scripts
npm i --save angular-google-place-package
Originally published here: https://github.com/psykolm22/angular-google-place
Fixed here: https://github.com/lujakob/angular-google-place-package
Npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-google-place-package
This is a Angular-Google-Place Module publish with Angular Format Package ( ng-packgr)
#Release Notes Please take care of Release Note before creating issues.
Please feel free to declare issues or contribute : https://github.com/psykolm22/angular-google-place
🎒 npm package can be consumed by Angular CLI, Webpack, or SystemJS
npm install --save angular-google-place
yarn add angular-google-place --save
- in your index.html:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places&key=GOOGLE_API_KEY"></script>
Replace by our Google api key .
- Use it in your HTML elements, for example in your ***.component.html:
<input type="text" [(ngModel)] = "address"
(setAddress) = "getAddress($event)"
(street_number) = 'street_number=$event'
(street)= 'street=$event'
(city)= 'city=$event'
- Add in your ***.component.ts:
- check CHANGELOG.md , types have change to type.
import { Address } from 'angular-google-place';
export class AppComponent {
public options = {type : 'address', componentRestrictions: { country: 'FR' }};
getAddress(place: Address) {
console.log('Address', place);
getFormattedAddress(event: any) {
- Add GooglePlaceModule in your ***.module.ts:
import {AngularGooglePlaceModule} from 'angular-google-place';
import: [..., AngularGooglePlaceModule]
#Options Options for Google Search
- Choose one type from
[ '(cities)',
- country ( dynamic change allow) : CountryCode ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 ( see demo )
type: 'address',
componentRestrictions: { country: 'FR' }
#Tested in:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
#For AngularJS: https://github.com/vskosp/vsGoogleAutocomplete