This is a repository for a Food Delivery Application, a web and mobile application that allows users to order food from various restaurants and have it delivered to their specified location. The application aims to provide a convenient and user-friendly platform for customers to browse through menus, place orders, track the delivery progress and secured payment.
Key Features:
1)User Registration and Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in to the application using their credentials.
2)Restaurant Listings: The application provides a comprehensive list of restaurants available for food delivery.
3)Menu Exploration: Users can view menus of different restaurants, including item descriptions, prices, and special offers.
4)Ordering System: Users can add desired food items to their cart, customize their orders, and place the final order for delivery.
5)Payment System: The application supports secure online payment options, allowing users to complete transactions conveniently.
6)Delivery Tracking: Users can track the progress of their food delivery, including estimated arrival time and real-time updates.
7)Reviews and Ratings: Users can leave reviews and ratings for restaurants and their food, helping other users make informed decisions.
8)Order History: The application maintains a record of past orders, making it easier for users to reorder their favorite items.
9)Notifications: Users receive notifications regarding order confirmations, delivery updates, and special offers.
Technologies Used:
*Programming Languages: Javascrpit, Python
*Frameworks: Django, DRF
*Database: Mysql
*Cloud: AWS, Heroku, Railway
*Geolocation Services: (soon)
*Payment Gateway Integration: Strip (SOON)