We are going to deploy a HTML code file named as index.html to Azure Static Web App
Here is a Step-by-Step process for this project
Step 1-Create An Azure Static Web App service (PaaS Service) and make sure to add deployment source as Github , Then allow third party access to your GitHub repo, Also select the framework as HTML and specify the location of index.html on the repo.
Step 2-Once the webapp is created ,see the default URL of the website , Also in the background CI CD workflow of GitHub is working
Step 3- Now we made some changes to the original index.html file and made the background color to Pink , Then we commit the file to the main branch and made it to the prod env (this is not how it's done in real time scenarios, Instead we usually make branch) Now lets see if the CI/CD pipleline is working
Step 4- Now the CI/CD works fine and we can see the github workflows and also the background color has been updated through it.