To run this project you need to have docker
Run docker-compose up
command to run all services and mongoDB in different containers - not finish with this one, services can't connect to mongo
You can run locally by using maven or IDEA, first
up mongoDB and then one by one services - better to use this one
POST /api/v1/sport-events
: Create a new Sporting EventPUT /api/v1/sport-events
: Update an existing Sporting EventDELETE /api/v1/sport-events/{id}
: Delete a Sporting Event
GET /api/v1/sport-events
: Retrieve a list of non-settled Sporting Events, filtered by Sport and sorted by Start Time as param take Sport nameGET /api/v1/sport-events/{id}
: Retrieve a single Sporting Event by ID
Lists all available endpoints/actuator/health
Shows application health status/actuator/info
Custom application info (version, name, etc.)/actuator/metrics
Displays various application metrics/actuator/loggers
Shows and modifies log levels/actuator/env
Displays environment properties
Separate common code to another project, add Swagger