Demos that showcase various things related to Marispace and/or Gaia-X.
stackablectl -s stacks/stacks.yaml -d demos/demos.yaml -r release.yaml demo install trino-subsea-data
Connect to Superset and log in with admin:adminadmin
Just running Trino, Superset, Keycloak and the AAS with a mock PCM login.
stackablectl stack install-s stacks/stacks.yaml -r release.yaml gaia-x-security
Also run these port-forwards:
kubectl port-forward svc/key-server 8080
kubectl port-forward svc/auth-server 9000
kubectl port-forward svc/tsa 5000
and add these lines to your /etc/hosts auth-server key-server test-server
Like the AAS Stack, but with more platform around it and a more elaborate security setup.
stackablectl demo install -s stacks/stacks.yaml -d demos/demos.yaml -r release.yaml end-to-end-security
Also run these port-forwards:
kubectl port-forward svc/key-server 8080
kubectl port-forward svc/auth-server 9000
kubectl port-forward svc/tsa 5000
and add these lines to your /etc/hosts auth-server key-server test-server