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Easily start IoT Hub simulators using DTDL / Azure IoT Plug & Play models.

This project generates a Docker Image from the excellent Azure IoT Device Simulator jonmikeli/azureiotdevicesimulator5-pnp. It provides a simple way to start the simulator with default settings. You are only required you to provide a Connection String and a DTDL model.

You can find official DTDL models here.

DTDL v2 is defined here.

If you need more advanced settings, please check out @jonmikeli's repo linked above.


docker run --rm -ti \
  -e IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING=";DeviceId=simulated-device;SharedAccessKey=y" \
  -e MODEL_URL="" \

Environment Variables:

Variable Description
IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING The connection string of the IoT Hub device to be simulated
MODEL_URL The URL to a IoT Plug & Play model in DTDL format. When using a model from GitHub, remember to use the 'raw' link.

As soon as you have started the container, you should see telemetry values being sent:

09/08/2021 16:46:29::logType:data::simulated-device::Sent message: [
    "temperature": 0.014509523294172027

The simulator can also handle direct methods defined in the DTDL. Invoking the getMaxMinReport direct method defined in Thermostat.json (that was used in the example above) results in the following output and response:

dbug: IoT.Simulator.Services.DeviceSimulationService[0]
      09/08/2021 13:56:07::logType:c2ddirectmethods.dtdlcommand.handler::DTDL Command called: getMaxMinReport with payload {}.
dbug: IoT.Simulator.Services.DeviceSimulationService[0]
      09/08/2021 13:56:07::logType:c2ddirectmethods.dtdlcommand.handler::DTDL Command response: {
        "request": {
          "since": "2021-09-13T17:53:02.6077651+00:00"
        "response": {
          "tempReport": {
            "maxTemp": 0.9224262367572758,
            "minTemp": 0.05373290928720166,
            "avgTemp": 0.11802005680185745,
            "startTime": "2021-09-10T03:53:02.6546508+00:00",
            "endTime": "2021-09-08T15:53:02.6552922+00:00"
      } to request {}.