What is it?
- This program is a Pan Indenter made in python to check .pan files for incorrect or un-wanted indents in a file.
What is needed for this?
- Python
Why use it?
- Correctly lays out pan code to make it easier to read.
How to install?
- No installation needed only downloading the file.
How to configure it?
- No configuation needed apart from the command line arguments.
What are the advantages of this program and why did I bother making it??
- Correctly indents code making it look neater and easier to work with compared to un-indented code.
- Can help you make sure you put certain parts of the code in the right section of your program.
How to use it?
- Run it in a command line Optional args: -o [file-name] for the output file --debug for debugging options --diff to see the differences
Anything else I should know?
- Not right now, the program is simple in how it works.