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Deprecated. Docker Daemon + CLI for farming data on the Storj v2 network.


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Notice: Development on this repo is on pause until we finish our v3 rearchitecture. Please see for ongoing v3 development.

Storj Share Daemon

Build Status Coverage Status NPM License Docker

Daemon + CLI for farming data on the Storj network, suitable for standalone use or inclusion in other packages.

Installation via Arch User Repositories

storjshare daemon is also available for Arch Linux as a package on the AUR as storjshare-daemon. Install it via your favourite AUR helper.

Manual Installation

Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Git
  • Node.js LTS (8.x.x)
  • NPM
  • Python 2.7
  • GCC/G++/Make

Node.js + NPM

GNU+Linux & Mac OSX

wget -qO- | bash

Close your shell and open an new one. Now that you can call the nvm program, install Node.js (which comes with NPM):

nvm install --lts


Download Node.js LTS for Windows, launch the installer and follow the setup instructions. Restart your PC, then test it from the command prompt:

node --version
npm --version

Build Dependencies


Debian based (like Ubuntu)

apt install git python build-essential

Red Hat / Centos

yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

You might also find yourself lacking a C++11 compiler - see this


xcode-select --install


npm install --global windows-build-tools


Once build dependencies have been installed for your platform, install the package globally using Node Package Manager:

npm install --global storjshare-daemon

Usage (CLI)

Once installed, you will have access to the storjshare program, so start by asking it for some help.

storjshare --help

  Usage: storjshare [options] [command]


    start       start a farming node
    stop        stop a farming node
    restart     restart a farming node
    status      check status of node(s)
    logs        tail the logs for a node
    create      create a new configuration
    destroy     kills the farming node
    killall     kills all shares and stops the daemon
    daemon      starts the daemon
    help [cmd]  display help for [cmd]


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

You can also get more detailed help for a specific command.

storjshare help create

  Usage: storjshare-create [options]

  generates a new share configuration


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    --storj <addr>             specify the STORJ address (required)
    --key <privkey>            specify the private key
    --storage <path>           specify the storage path
    --size <maxsize>           specify share size (ex: 10GB, 1TB)
    --rpcport <port>           specify the rpc port number
    --rpcaddress <addr>        specify the rpc address
    --maxtunnels <tunnels>     specify the max tunnels
    --tunnelportmin <port>     specify min gateway port
    --tunnelportmax <port>     specify max gateway port
    --manualforwarding         do not use nat traversal strategies
    --logdir <path>            specify the log directory
    --noedit                   do not open generated config in editor
    -o, --outfile <writepath>  write config to path

Usage (Programmatic)

The Storj Share daemon uses a local dnode server to handle RPC message from the CLI and other applications. Assuming the daemon is running, your program can communicate with it using this interface. The example that follows is using Node.js, but dnode is implemented in many other languages.

const dnode = require('dnode');
const daemon = dnode.connect(45015);

daemon.on('remote', (rpc) => {
  // rpc.start(configPath, callback);
  // rpc.stop(nodeId, callback);
  // rpc.restart(nodeId, callback);
  // rpc.status(callback);
  // rpc.destroy(nodeId, callback);
  //, callback);
  // rpc.load(snapshotPath, callback);
  // rpc.killall(callback);

You can also easily start the daemon from your program by creating a dnode server and passing it an instance of the RPC class exposed from this package.

const storjshare = require('storjshare-daemon');
const dnode = require('dnode');
const api = new storjshare.RPC();

dnode(api.methods).listen(45015, '');

Configuring the Daemon

The Storj Share daemon loads configuration from anywhere the rc package can read it. The first time you run the daemon, it will create a directory in $HOME/.config/storjshare, so the simplest way to change the daemon's behavior is to create a file at $HOME/.config/storjshare/config containing the following:

  "daemonRpcPort": 45015,
  "daemonRpcAddress": "",
  "daemonLogFilePath": "",
  "daemonLogVerbosity": 3

Modify these parameters to your liking, see example/daemon.config.json for detailed explanation of these properties.

Debugging the Daemon

The daemon logs activity to the configured log file, which by default is $HOME/.config/storjshare/logs/daemon.log. However if you find yourself needing to frequently restart the daemon and check the logs during development, you can run the daemon as a foreground process for a tighter feedback loop.

storjshare killall
storjshare daemon --foreground

Connecting to a remote Daemon

Note: Exposing your storjshare-daemon to the Internet is a bad idea as everybody could read your Private Key!

To connect to a remote running daemon instance you will first need to ensure this daemon is running on a different address than the default This can be achieved by configuring the Daemon.

After your storjshare-daemon is reachable (eg. within your home network) you can use -r or --remote option (on supported commands) to use the specified IP/hostname and port to connect to, instead of

Note that this option does not support to start the storjshare-daemon on a different system, only connect to an already running one!

Example to connect to remote daemon running on on the default port (45015) and show the status:

storjshare status --remote

If the port is changed, just append it like so:

storjshare status --remote

Migrating from storjshare-gui or storjshare-cli


If you are using the storjshare-gui package you can go on with the latest GUI release. You don't need to migrate but if you like you can do it. If you choose to migrate from the old storjshare-gui to the CLI version of storjshare-daemon, please follow the instructions below.


Storj Share provides a simple method for creating new shares, but if you were previously using the storjshare-cli package superceded by this one, you'll want to migrate your configuration to the new format. To do this, first you'll need to dump your private key before installing this package.

If you accidentally overwrote your old storjshare-cli installation with this package, don't worry - just reinstall the old package to dump the key, then reinstall this package.

Step 0: Dump Your Private Key


Open %AppData%\Storj Share\settings.json in any texteditor. For each GUI drive you will find the private key and the dataDir. Use these information and go on with Step 1 and 2.

  "tabs": [
      "key": "4154e85e87b323611cba45ab1cd51203f2508b1da8455cdff8b641cce827f3d6",
      "address": "0xfB691...",
      "storage": {
        "dataDir": "D:\\Storj\\storjshare-5f4722"
      "key": "0b0341a9913bb84b51485152a1b0a8a6ed68fa4f9a4fedb26c61ff778ce61ec8",
      "address": "0xfB691...",
      "storage": {
        "dataDir": "D:\\Storj\\storjshare-48a1c4"
  "appSettings": {...}


You can print your cleartext private key from storjshare-cli, using the dump-key command:

storjshare dump-key
 [...]  > Unlock your private key to start storj  >  ********

 [info]   Cleartext Private Key:
 [info]   ======================
 [info]   4154e85e87b323611cba45ab1cd51203f2508b1da8455cdff8b641cce827f3d6
 [info]   (This key is suitable for importing into Storj Share GUI)

If you are using a custom data directory, be sure to add the --datadir <path> option to be sure you get the correct key. Also be sure to note your defined payout address and data directory.

Step 1: Install Storj Share and Create Config

Now that you have your private key, you can generate a new configuration file. To do this, first install the storjshare-daemon package globally and use the create command. You'll need to remove the storjshare-cli package first, so make sure you perform the previous step for all shared drives before proceeding forward.

npm remove -g storjshare-cli
npm install -g storjshare-daemon

Now that you have Storj Share installed, use the create command to generate your configuration.

storjshare create --key 4154e8... --storj 0xfB691... --storage <datadir> -o <writepath>

This will generate your configuration file given the parameters you passed in, write the file to the path following the -o option, and open it in your text editor. Here, you can make other changes to the configuration following the detailed comments in the generated file.

Step 2: Use The New Configuration

Now that you have successfully migrated your configuration file, you can use it to start the share.

storjshare start --config path/to/config.json

  * daemon is not running, starting...

  * starting share with config at path/to/config.json

Updating storjshare and restoring sessions

If you want to upgrade storjshare you can save your current session and reload it after updating

storjshare save
storjshare killall
npm install -g storjshare-daemon
storjshare daemon &
storjshare load


Storj Share - Daemon + CLI for farming data on the Storj network.
Copyright (C) 2017 Storj Labs, Inc

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see