Money Ctrl is a comprehensive expense tracker with a sleek, user-friendly interface. It offers both light and dark themes, allowing users to choose their preferred visual style. The app is secured with a pattern lock feature, ensuring that sensitive financial data remains private
Dashboard | Transaction Details | Add Transactions | Edit Transactions | Set Pattern |
- Flutter - Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google.
- Dart - Dart is a client-optimized programming language developed by Google. It's the language used for writing Flutter applications
- csv - For generating and parsing CSV files when exporting transaction data
- intl - To handle date formatting and localization of currency symbols.
- google_fonts - To implement custom fonts, enhancing the app's visual appeal.
- path_provider - To manage file paths when saving CSV exports.
- permission_handler - To request and handle permissions for file access and storage.
- share_plus - To allow users to share their CSV exports via other apps.
- shared_preferences - To store user preferences like theme choice and app settings.
- url_launcher - To open external links