Unity package for simulating 3D Laser Scanner (LIDAR) and publishing the point cloud to ros2.
- A simple urdf file is created (along with xacro). This urdf file is imported to unity using urdf importer.
- A differential drive robot controller is implemented in unity. This subscribe to "cmd_vel" topic and generate commands for movement of robot in unity.
- A 3D laser scanner sensor is implement using Ray Casting. It has parameters such as fov, angular_resolution (both horizontal and vertical), min_range, max_range etc.
- A Point Cloud publisher publish the generated point cloud to 'point_cloud' topic. It aslo publish the pose (position and orientation) of the laser_scanner to 'laser_scan_pose'.
- This package is in ROS2 meaning unity scripts in this are written for ROS2, so if you will select ROS1 in unity (in ROS-TCP-Connector) it will show compilation error. By default ROS2 is selected but if you want to run this in ROS1 you have to modify scripts accordingly.
- Please do read how unity-ros framework works. ROS Unity Hub ROS Unity Integration
- User can edit xacro file and then generate urdf from it. And import new urdf into the unity to try different robot.
- User can edit all parameters either from unity script or from panel.
- Read ROS-Unity integration (try few examples to get the grasp on ros-unity framework works in general). ROS Unity Hub ROS Unity Integration
- Download this package and open in unity.
- Create a ros workspace and build package ROS-TCP-Endpoint in the workspace by downloading approriate branch (ROS or ROS2 Branch of ROS-TCP-Endpoint ) from github.
- Install teleop-twist-keyboard package to control robot using keyboard
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
change the ROS-DISTRO name from neotic to your ROS-DISTRO
- Run ROS-TCP-Endpoint Server in one terminal ROS–Unity Demo Setup
- ROS1:
roslaunch ros_tcp_endpoint endpoint.launch
- ROS2:
ros2 run ros_tcp_endpoint default_server_endpoint
- ROS1:
- Click on play button in unity to start the simualtion
- Run rviz in another terminal and add tf and point cloud topics to rviz for displaying them
- ROS1:
rosrun rviz rviz
- ROS2:
- ROS1:
- Run teleop_twist_keyboard in another terminal and control the robot using keyboard
- ROS1:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
- ROS2:
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
- ROS1:
- Most of the code is from Navigation 2 SLAM Example. Following addition/modifications are made
- Laser scanner code to make it scan in 3D as well as fast and publish point cloud message.
- AGVController script has been modified and renamed as Robot Controller to control 4 wheel robot instead of 2.