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Julius Heine edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 7 revisions


Install InfluxDB and Chronograf on a raspberry pi

I have created a script to install influxdb on a raspberrypi.

Just run the following command:

time sh -c "$(curl -sSL"

This procedure takes some time. Because of the time at the beginning of the command you get the execution time after it has finished.

On my RaspberryPi Zero W it took XX minutes.
The RaspberryPi 3 B+ took XX minutes.
This also depends on your internet connection speed.

After the command you can configure and view your influxdb database with chronograf via port 8888.

Just enter in a browser the hostname of the raspberry pi (sometime with .local is a better solution in the mesh network) and :8888

So for example http://3pi1.local:8888/

Install python library

pip3 install influxdb
pip3 install --upgrade influxdb


Important note:
Some of following sources/tutorials work on older Raspbian versions and not on the new one due to some changes with the network commands and interfaces.