This is a small and interesting project on Real-Time Face Recognizing Attendence System using Python and Firebase.
The module basically detects the persons face and updates the on the database in realtime and moreover it does not mark the persons if is already marked for the current date.
There are 3 python files:
- :- contains all the code for importing the files, opening the webcam recognising
- :- contains the code for encoding the images and create data that will be imported by '' which will be used by face_reconizing module
- :- contains the code to create the add data to our real time data base in Firebase
realtimefaceattendence-87692-firebase-adminsdk-rkz7t-4f8a26e0ff.json :- this is file created by the firebase database
1. Webcam
2. Graphics
3. Encode Generator
4. Face Recognition
5. Database setup
6. Add data to database
7. Add image to data base
8. Real time data base update
9. Limit the number of attendence per day
This is the python version I am using. The latest version python appears to show error with (face_recognition) pakage.
Following pakages are used in my python code
import cv2
import os
import face_recognition
import pickle
import numpy as np
import cvzone
import firebase_admin
from datetime import datetime
Active (This means it is ready to recognize the persion)
Face detected and updated the data base
Already Marked (This means the person is aleady marked for his/her attendence for the day)
This is a snapshot of the firebase database