A simple mac app to generator JSON text to swift model file. Generate JSON model file for you with selected language and framework support.
As an Apple developer. You need more time to think about your app. You don't have time to naming you object. NamingMacaine will quickly generate file and naming every object for you.
Written using swift So easy to use. Generate the model file and drag the file to your Xcode project. And done! Support Xcode extension to covert JSON text within Xcode. Support Swift 5 and above Support SwityJSON Framework Support native JSONDecoder It just work!
Now you could using Swift default JSONDecoder to generator you model file.Now we are displaying all row from you json text instead display only first object.
Buy from Mac AppStore just: $1.99
Mac AppStore
- Adding Xcode extension to covert JSON text within Xcode.
- Separate JSON Model handle logic to a Framework called NamingSystem.
- Use Save Panel to input root object name & save file.
- Rename to NamingMachaine
- New Icon.
- macOS 11 or later
- Xcode 13
- swift 5.x
NamingMachaine dependency is using CocoaPods. To build project you need run pod install
All source code is licensed under the MIT License.
- Copyright © 2022 S.M. Technology Ltd. All rights reserved.
- https://www.sweetman.cc