Python program to split a PDF file into multiple PDF files and to merge multiple PDF files into single PDF file.
Make sure Python is intalled in your system. Go ahead and install PyPDF2 library using pip:
pip install PyPDF2
In order to merge multiple PDF files into a single file, open command prompt/terminal window and type the below command and press enter:
python "absolute/path/to/firstpdf" "absolute/path/to/secondpdf" ["absolute/path/to/otherpdf"]
In case all the PDF files you want to merge are in the same directory as that of, issue command as follow:
python "first.pdf" "second.pdf" ["other.pdf"]
This will generate a pdf file named "COMBINED.pdf" which will have content merged from all the pdf files mentioned in the command.
In order to split single PDF file into a multiple files, open command prompt/terminal window and type the below command and press enter:
python "absolute/path/to/pdffile"
In case the PDF file you want to split are in the same directory as that of, issue command as follow:
python "first.pdf" "second.pdf" ["other.pdf"]
This will generate multiple pdf files named "COMBINED-n.pdf" (n=1,2,3,4...) which will have page-wise content splitted from the pdf file mentioned in the command.