A Boot HTTP proxy server task.
[tailrecursion/boot-proxy "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Suppose you need a local proxy server for some reason (I needed one to be able to make SOAP requests using Apache Axis2 to a test server whose SSL certificate was invalid --- there was no easy way to tell Axis2 to pass those arguments to the HTTP client it uses to make the requests).
$ boot serve-proxy -t /forward -p 7000 -u https://example.com -o insecure=true
You can now make requests to http://localhost:7000/foo/bar, for instance, and the proxy will relay the request over SSL using the HTTP client options you provide on the command line.
Copyright © 2013 Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.