Note: This is a current work in progress and is currently under development.
This repo holds the relevant code for an All-Terrain Labelset for Autonomous Systems (ATLAS) developed by the Off-Road Annotation TOols & Resources (ORATOR) team and Texas A&M University. The goal of this effort is to develop a standardized ontology for visual datasets to unify existing and future dataset ontologies. This standardized ontological framework can be used to aid training AI-models on data that is collected from multiple datasets. Moreover, the integration of W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL) allows for easy addition to the proposed ontology and the ability to analyze data for inconsistencies through open-source reasoners. This allows users to adapt the ontology to meet their needs.
There are 5 different class parents of the ontology - collection platform, instance attibutes, instance labels, scenario label, and sensor. There are also associated data properties and object properties. Since there is a large number of classes, it is recommended to use Protege to view the ontology. Additional classes can be added to the ontology as needed. Please submit a pull request if you would like to add additional classes or properties to the ontology.
The proposed ontology can be used to help guide the creation of an ontology for a new dataset or be used to understand the relationships between the different classes for intelligent reasoning.
The mappings from current datasets to ATLAS has been created for:
The converted datasets are available upon request or can be created using this package.
The installation dependencies are divided into relevant parts. This is to reflect the different parts of the proposed pipeline.
The installation instructions assume that the development platform is Ubuntu 20.04.
SemanticImage relies on 2 dependencies - OpenCV and jsoncpp. Jsoncpp and CMake can be installed with the below command:
sudo apt-get install cmake libjsoncpp-dev libboost-all-dev -y
The process for installing the most recent version of OpenCV with the contrib modules is:
cd ~
mkdir opencv_build
cd opencv_build
wget -O
wget -O
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -DOPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE:BOOL=ON -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=/home/$USER/opencv_build/opencv_contrib-4.x/modules /home/$USER/opencv_build/opencv-4.x/ -D OPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=ON
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
The dependencies for OnotologyInstantiation can be installed by the below command:
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install owlready2 numpy matplotlib
OWL is used to represent the ontology in a hierarchical manner, leverage open-source reasoners, analyze images, and modify the proposed ontology to meet the needs of the user. OWL allows objects to have improved annotation capabilities, compared to traditional methods of classes associated with specific RGB values for images or json-based annotation methods. The proposed framework allows multiple labels and properties to be assigned to a single object and for complex ontologies to be developed. This facilitates the addition of context to images and objects. Moreover, there are tools that can be used to determine if labelers assign inconsistent labels or properties to an object.
The recommended software package to use is Protege. The link to Protege can be found here. It is recommended to install Protege Desktop. This application allows for viewing and modifying the ontology, as well as the creation and reasoning of created rules.
The onotology can be loaded into the software by File->Open and then selecting the relevant "***.owl" file.
This package is used to start the conversion of existing semantically segmented datasets into a more standardized format. The input to this step is a semantically segmented image and a json file containing the RGB value and corresponding semantic class. The output file contains the necessary information for input into OntologyInstantiation, such as the input image, ATLAS version, object class, object size, and polygon vertices.
ATLAS_version - This is the current version of ATLAS being used. This is one of the items included in the json file.
ext - This is the extension of the image files being analyzed.
input_directory - This is the name of the input image directory for analysis.
input_json - This input json should contain the semantic class and corresponding RGB value for the dataset being analyzed.
min_polygon_area - This is the minimum number of pixels that a contour needs or else it is filtered out and not outputted to the output json file.
num_threads - This is the number of threads that can be used to help speed up processing times. The default is to use all threads on the machine. In some cases, this may cause an error to occur, if processing is too fast. In order to fix this, either reduce the number of threads or set visualize to true.
output_directory - The output json directory is the name of the directory that files are to be written after analysis.
saveArea - This parameter will save the area for each of the extracted polygons if set to true. If set to false, the output file will not contain this information.
savePolygonVertices - This parameter will save the polygon vertices for each of the extracted polygons if set to true. If set to false, the output will not contain this information. This information is needed for the Example script "" for image reconstruction from the json file.
visualize - This is a variable to see the images that are being processed. It will display the input image, the detected edges, and the extracted contours that are written to the output json file. This default is set to false, since it slows down processing times.
Make sure to adjust the parameters to match your setup. Make sure you are in the main directory for the ORATOR-ATLAS repo. After the code can be built and run by the following commands in the terminal:
cd SemanticImage
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After the initial time, the code only needs to be rebuilt after changes are made to the the corresponding files. The code can be rebuilt by the following command. Make sure that you are in the build directory for this SemanticImage.
After the code is built, the code can be run by the following command. Make sure that you are in the build directory for SemanticImage.
This package is used to take the json file from SemanticImage and convert it to a unified ATLAS ontology.
input_ATLAS_ontology - This is the OWL file for the ATLAS version being used.
input_image_json_directory - This is the output file directory from SemanticImage that is the input to this package. It contains the information about the images being analyzed.
input_ontology_mapping - This is a json file that converts the semantic classes from an existing dataset into the ATLAS ontology.
output_owl_directory - This is the output file directory for the converted OWL files from the inputted image json files.
From the OntologyInstantiation directory, the code can be run with:
These example scripts show how the resulting OWL files for a dataset can be used. Additional functionalities are being researched and will be added as they are developed.
This example is able to recreate an image from a json file that includes the class label for each entity and the corresponding vertices. This functionality is helpful when combining datasets into a unified color scheme. This will allow machine learning models to be cross-trained on existing datasets using a common color scheme and ontology.
This example is able to display statistics related to the classes found in the analyzed files. This is helpful in determining if there are sufficient examples for the desired semantic classes.
This example script is used to find the total number of pixels in each of the class present in the proposed ontology. It does this for all the images for the various datasets that have been unified and for the images in the unified ontology as well.
This example script takes a class of interest, and find all images from the unified ontology which might have instances of the relevant classes.
This work is a collaboration between USARMY GVSC and TAMU.