Hello World Colors is a Flutter-based application that puts a modern, colorful spin on the traditional "Hello World" program. In programming, "Hello World" programs are the quintessential first step for beginners, where a simple command displays the phrase "Hello, World!" on the screen. This "app" builds on this foundation by showcasing a variety of named web colors, adding an interactive and visual element to the basic concept.
Each time the user taps the Shuffle button, Hello World Colors displays a random color from a wide range of web colors, complete with its name, like Slate Blue, Crimson, or Peach Puff. This feature not only introduces users to a spectrum of colors but also demonstrates the ease and flexibility of building user interfaces with Flutter. Additionally, the app includes a full-screen color preview and a handy option to copy the color's hexadecimal code directly to the clipboard.
There's no need for downloads or installations. To use Hello World Colors, simply visit https://helloworldcolors.tecdrop.com/ on any device with a web browser. It's compatible with all platforms, including Android, ChromeOS, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.
If you don't have the Flutter SDK installed, please visit the official Flutter website.
Fetch the latest source code from the main branch.
git clone https://github.com/tecdrop/hello_world_colors.git
- Run the app with Visual Studio Code or Android Studio. Or the command line.
flutter pub get
flutter run
- Flutter - Build apps for any screen.
- Visual Studio Code - Code editing. Redefined.
- url_launcher - A Flutter plugin for launching a URL.
- GitHub Pages - Websites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository.
If you have an issue or found a bug, please raise a GitHub issue here. Pull requests are also welcome.
Hello World Colors is licensed under the MIT license.