it uses library from
my article:
for Morphing Clock it uses library from Base articles for Morphing Clocl and remix are: and
remix from HarryFun's great Morphing Digital Clock idea follow the great tutorial there and eventually use this condide as alternative
provided 'AS IS', use at your own risk
other remix by niq_ro - [email protected]
- ver.1,0 - presure in mmHg instead mPa
- ver.1.a - added "C" at every temperature, shortet date format (year as 21 instead 2021), presure or umidity (at 3 sec) in upper right corner
- ver.1.b - change presure format (762Hg instead 762P), change few letters
- ver.1.c - remove date and move temperature (actual, minimum, maximum) under clock, change other few letters
- ver.1.d - move all info numerical value under clock (alternatively show), remain upper just icons, removed fireworks part
- ver.1.e - added permannent type of wheater as text (icons or animation as options)
- ver.1.e.2 - added colours at digits and description of weather
- ver.1.f - extract more info from openweathermap data (wind, clouds percent)
- ver.1.g - changed NtpClientLib.h with NtpClient.h for extract easy day of week
- ver.1.h - added romanian language for description, clear zone display when openweathermap not send any data or APIkey is wrong, remain just data or name of day week
- ver.1.h2 - small correcionfor clear zone :)
- ver.1.i - changed animated icon from
- ver.1.j - clear seconds zone when weather data is uploaded (fill will "search info" text)
- ver.1.k - niq_ro changed moon simbol
- ver.1k1 - small corrections (thunderstorm)
- ver.1.l - added OTA
my articles: