Workbook for Pipelines from Scratch course 2024
We will be looking at some pipeline pinciples through the lens of GithubActions including:
- Manual Triggers
- Simple Commands
- Triggering on a schedule
- Building a simple app
- Building a container image
- Building an app with private dependencies
- Handling credentials securely
- Publishing a container image to a remote private registry
Each exercise will need a pipeline configured in yaml. Once the configuration is complete it will need to be moved to the correct folder in order to be triggered.
Each exercise has a summary sheet and a notes section to record any answers (or questions) you have.
The exercises build on eachother in sequence, so to get the best out of them, resist the urge to seek out spoilers as much as you can!
Github documentation: About workflows
Manually triggering a workflow: Github docs
Github's own actions repository of prebuild, configurable steps