This extension provides two components:
- Kafka Producer Sampler: sends keyed messages to Kafka
- Load Generator Config Element: generates messages as synthetic load.
The purpose of the Load Generator Config Element is to dynamically create the messages for sending to Kafka. You could alternatively use the CSV Data Set or another source for messages.
As each application has its own input message format and load distribution, the Load Generator Config provides a pluggable framework for application-specific message generation. An example implementation is included.
A sample JMeter Test Plan demonstrates wiring the Load Generator and Kafka Sampler together for a
complete test. A Counter
is used as the kafka_key
to ensure the load is distributed across all available Kafka partitions.
This sample JMeter Test Plan can be found in Tagserve-Kafka.jmx
Build the extension:
mvn package
Install the extension into $JMETER_HOME/lib/ext
cp target/kafkameter-x.y.z.jar $JMETER_HOME/lib/ext
After installing kafkameter
, add a Java Request Sampler and select the KafkaProducerSampler
class name. The following properties are required.
- kafka_brokers: comma-separated list of hosts in the format (hostname:port).
- kafka_topic: the topic in Kafka to which the message will be published.
- kafka_key: the partition key for the message.
- kafka_message: the message itself.
You may also override the following:
- kafka_message_serializer: the Kafka client
property. - kafka_key_serializer: the Kafka client
property. - kafka_use_ssl: set to 'true' if you want to use SSL to connect to kafka.
- kafka_ssl_truststore: the truststore certificate file (with path).
- kafka_ssl_truststore_password: the truststore certificate file password.
- kafka_ssl_keystore: the keystore certificate file (with path).
- kafka_ssl_keystore_password: the keystore certificate file password.
- kafka_compression_type: the compression type, for example gzip. Leave the field empty for no encryption.
- kafka_partition: the partition number to use. Use a fixed value or calculate it on a per thread basis. Example:
${__jexl(${__threadNum} % 10)}
This would spread the threads across 10 partitions. Works best if the thread numbers are a multiple of the total partitions. If you leave this field empty, the Kafka library will calculate a value based on your key. - kafka_headers: headers to be passed along with the message. Accepts key value pairs in querystring format, e.g.
After installing kafkameter
, the Load Generator will be available as a Config Element.
This component reads a Synthetic Load Description from a given file, uses a Synthetic Load Generator plugin to generate a new message on each iteration, and makes this message available to other elements under the given variable name. The Synthetic Load Description format will be specific to each Synthetic Load Generator.
A dummy example is useful for demonstrating integration with the Load Generator framework in JMeter.
Create a file called
import co.signal.loadgen.SyntheticLoadGenerator;
public class DummyGenerator implements SyntheticLoadGenerator {
public DummyGenerator(String ignored) {}
public String nextMessage() {
return "Hey! Dum-dum! You give me gum-gum.";
Now compile this class:
javac -classpath target/kafkameter-x.y.z.jar
Package it into a jar:
jar cvf DummyGenerator.jar *.class
Place the jar into JMeter's lib/ext
mv DummyGenerator.jar $JMETER_HOME/lib/ext/
Now you should see DummyGenerator
as an option in the Load Generator's "Class Name" drop-down.
This example will use one of Signal's own domains: tag serving.
Let's say we have a collection of client websites identified by an alphanumeric siteId
. Each site
contains a collection of pages identified by a numeric pageId
. Any given request may match zero
or more pages. Each page contains a collection of tags identified by a numeric tagId
which will be
served whenever the containing page matches. Each request occurs at a particular epoch timestamp
Given this model, we will represent the domain-specific message in JSON as
"siteId": <string>,
"timestamp": <long>,
"pageIds": [<pageId>, ...],
"tagIds": [<tagId>, ...]
We refer to this as a TagRequestMetrics
The Load Generator will create TagRequestMetrics
messages according to the distribution
specified by the example Synthetic Tagserve Load Description
, described below.
The Synthetic Tagserve Load Description has the following format:
<siteId>: {
"weight": <double>,
"pages": {
<pageId>: {
"weight": <double>,
"tags": [<tagId>, ...]
The weights are used to determine the next TagRequestMetrics
message for the KafkaProducerSampler
The weight for a site represents the percentage of total traffic belonging to the site. However,
the weight for a page represents the probability that the page will be matched in any given request.
Said another way, because TagRequestMetrics
represents a single site, the weights for the
different sites must sum to unity. However, a single request can match multiple pages independently,
so these weights are independent; i.e., they do not have to sum to unity.
For each iteration, generate a uniformly random variate between (0, 1]
. The mapping below would
represent which site's load configuration to use based on the variate.
site1: (0.0, 0.6]
site2: (0.6, 1.0]
For each page within the load configuration, generate a uniformly random variate between (0, 1]
Reject any pages with lesser weights. The tags included from each selected page are unioned.
For example, given the following Synthetic Load Description
"site1": {
"weight": 0.6,
"pages": {
"123": {
"weight": 0.7,
"tags": [123, 567]
"234": {
"weight": 0.1,
"tags": [123, 234, 345, 456]
"site2": {
"weight": 0.4,
"pages": {
"123": {
"weight": 0.7,
"tags": [123, 234]
if the random variates were (0.4, 0.6, 0.05), then we would match the load config for "site1" with pages [123, 234] and tags [123, 234, 345, 456, 567].