This repo contains a set of packages and tools for working with GraphViz graph files.
Specific packages:
- zgr -- a graph package to represent the contents of a GraphViz graph; includes interfaces and methods for examining grpah nodes, edges, and properties
- grlex -- lexical analyzer for tokenizing a GraphVis file
- grparse -- package to parse a GraphViz file into a zgr.Graph
- grpune -- this package provides a method for pruning a given graph to create a subgraph. Here "prune" means starting at a specific root node and walking forward (from a given node to its successors in the graph) and/or backward (from a given node to its predecessors in the graph)
- cmd/grpune -- a driver program for graph pruning/slicing.
% cat first.graph
cat cmd/grprune/testdata/g1.graphviz
digraph Y {
"a" [label="A"]
"b" [label="B"]
"c" [label="C"]
"d" [label="D"]
"e" [label="E"]
"f" [label="F"]
"g" [label="G"]
"c" -> "b" [x=y]
"c" -> "d" [z=w]
"d" -> "e" [q=r]
"g" -> "c" [q=r]
"f" -> "c" [b=1]
"b" -> "a" [b=1]
"e" -> "f" [b=1]
"a" -> "g" [b=1]
Dot representation:
Running the grpune tool:
% grprune -d 1 -r c -o pruned1.graph -i first.graph
Dot representation of the output 'pruned1.graph' above: