First, run Redis
PORT=9090 SERVICE_PORT=9090 ADMIN_PORT=9999 java -jar target/k-reverse-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar
Now, you can:
- use the proxy: http://localhost:9090/
- use the proxy admin:
- get the list of all reverse-proxies: http://localhost:9999/admin/proxies
[ [ { "location" : { "endpoint" : "http://localhost:9090/api", "host" : "localhost", "port" : 9090, "root" : "/api", "ssl" : false }, "metadata" : { "message" : "hello 🌍", "kind" : "reverse-proxy", "admin" : { "host" : "localhost", "port" : 9999, "enpoint" : "http://localhost:9999/admin", "services" : [ { "webapps" : "/webapps" }, { "proxies" : "/proxies" } ] } }, "name" : "my-service-silent-salad-023", "status" : "UP", "registration" : "6c687aeb-dcb6-47a7-bfbc-48e50df1d825", "type" : "http-endpoint" } ] ]
- get the list of all webapps: http://localhost:9999/admin/webapps
[ [ { "id" : "webapp_new1", "ip" : "", "port" : 8080, "status" : "😍" }, { "id" : "webapp_new2", "ip" : "", "port" : 8080, "status" : "😍" } ] ]
- get the list of all reverse-proxies: http://localhost:9999/admin/proxies
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id":"webapp_new1","ip":"","port":8080}' "http://localhost:9999/admin/webapps"
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9999/admin/webapps/webapp1"
WIP 🚧 more to come...