Add ClusteringMetric:
Add internal metrics (Need X features and y_pred)
ball_hall_index (BHI)
calinski_harabasz_index (CHI)
xie_beni_index (XBI)
banfeld_raftery_index (BRI)
davies_bouldin_index (DBI)
det_ratio_index (DRI)
dunn_index (DI)
ksq_detw_index (KDI)
log_det_ratio_index (LDRI)
log_ss_ratio_index (LSRI)
silhouette_index (SI)
Add external metrics (Need y_true and y_pred)
mutual_info_score (MIS)
normalized_mutual_info_score (NMIS)
rand_score (RaS)
fowlkes_mallows_score (FMS)
homogeneity_score (HS)
completeness_score (CS)
v_measure_score (VMS)
precision_score (PrS)
recall_score (ReS)
f_measure_score (FmS)
czekanowski_dice_score (CDS)
hubert_gamma_score (HGS)
jaccard_score (JS)
kulczynski_score (KS)
mc_nemar_score (MNS)
phi_score (PhS)
rogers_tanimoto_score (RTS)
russel_rao_score (RRS)
sokal_sneath1_score (SS1S)
sokal_sneath2_score (SS2S)
Add examples for ClusteringMetric
Add LabelEncoder class
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