Intel FPGA Cyclone V SoC OpenCL runtime environment with some drivers on Linux 4.9.x or newer
- change fpga bridges name for aclsoc driver
- change fpga manager path for aclsoc driver
- fixed status_show interface in fpga manager driver
- add /dev/fpga0 char driver and file operations
- fixed the interrupt number issue in aclsoc driver for new linux kernel
- fixed the signal issue in aclsoc driver for new linux kernel
- add c5soc_opencl device tree source
root@c5soc:~# ./boardtest_host
Boardtest usage information
Usage: boardtest_host [--device d] [--test t]
--device d: device number (0 - NUM_DEVICES-1)
--test t: test number (0 - 7)
(default is running all tests on all devices)
Total number of devices = 1.
Running all tests.
Running on all devices.
Reprogramming device [0] with handle 1
Program object created for all devices.
Program built for all devices.
********************** TEST FOR DEVICE 0 ***********************
*********************** Host Speed Test *************************
clGetDeviceInfo CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE = 536870912
clGetDeviceInfo CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE = 134217728
Memory consumed for internal use = 402653184
Actual maximum buffer size = 134217728 bytes
Writing 128 MB to global memory ... 105.199330 MB/s
Reading 134217728 bytes from global memory ... 64.082148 MB/s
Verifying data ...
Successfully wrote and readback 128 MB buffer
Transferring 8192 KBs in 256 32 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 128 64 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 64 128 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 32 256 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 16 512 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 8 1024 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 4 2048 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 2 4096 KB blocks ...
Transferring 8192 KBs in 1 8192 KB blocks ...
PCIe Gen2.0 peak speed: 500MB/s/lane
Block_Size Avg Max Min End-End (MB/s)
Writing 8192 KBs with block size (in bytes) below:
32768 83.68 98.37 67.51 59.29
65536 99.70 105.02 89.06 86.52
131072 103.83 107.50 97.31 96.88
262144 109.03 109.97 105.23 106.50
524288 110.25 110.85 108.96 109.00
1048576 109.64 110.82 109.04 108.99
2097152 111.25 111.36 111.14 110.98
4194304 111.44 111.49 111.39 111.35
8388608 111.55 111.55 111.55 111.55
Reading 8192 KBs with block size (in bytes) below:
32768 52.23 59.42 44.79 41.60
65536 54.27 61.37 42.67 49.26
131072 58.19 61.26 46.51 56.27
262144 60.69 62.79 60.02 59.83
524288 60.92 62.40 59.58 60.47
1048576 59.70 61.13 52.43 59.47
2097152 61.21 61.62 61.02 61.11
4194304 61.20 61.39 61.02 61.17
8388608 56.79 56.79 56.79 56.79
Host write top speed = 111.55 MB/s
Host read top speed = 62.79 MB/s
********************* Host Read Write Test **********************
--- test_rw with device ptr offset 0
******************* Kernel Clock Frequency Test ***************
Measured Frequency = 120.713226 MHz.
Quartus Compiled Frequency = 120.879997 MHz.
Measured Clock frequency is within 2 percent of quartus compiled frequency.
********************* Kernel Launch Test ************************
Launching kernel kernel_sender ...
Launching kernel kernel_receiver ...
... Waiting for sender
Sender sent the token to receiver
... Waiting for receiver
******************** Kernel Latency **************************
Creating kernel (nop)
Processed 10000 kernels in 2006.9458 ms
Single kernel round trip time = 200.6946 us
Throughput = 4.9827 kernels/ms
Kernel execution is complete.
************* Kernel-to-Memory Read Write Test ***************
Launching kernel mem_read_writestream ...
clGetDeviceInfo CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE = 134217728 bytes.
Available max buffer size = 134217728 bytes.
Created kernel buffer.
Finished initializing host vectors.
Finished writing to buffers.
Finished initializing host vectors.
Finished writing to buffers.
Finished setting kernel args.
Kernel executed.
Finished Reading buffer.
Finished Reading buffer.
***************** Kernel-to-Memory Bandwidth *****************
clGetDeviceInfo CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE = 134217728 bytes.
Available max buffer size = 134217728 bytes.
Size of memory bank 1 = 0x40000000 B
Performing kernel transfers of 32 MBs on the default global memory (address sta
Note: This test assumes that design was compiled with --no-interleaving
Launching kernel mem_writestream ...
Launching kernel mem_readstream ...
Launching kernel mem_read_writestream ...
Summarizing bandwidth in MB/s/bank for banks 1 to 8
2406 2415 2282 2409 2400 2404 2409 2407 mem_writestream
2953 2938 2936 2939 2937 2933 1894 2937 mem_readstream
2669 2666 2665 2668 2668 2673 2673 2666 mem_read_writestream
Name of the global memory type not found in the board_spec.
Number Of Interfaces : 1
Max Bandwidth (all memory interfaces) : 6400 MB/s
Max Bandwidth of 1 memory interface : 6400 MB/s
It is assumed that all memory interfaces have equal widths.
Warning : Board bandwidth utilization is less than 90%
Kernel mem bandwidth assuming ideal memory: 15451 MB/s
* If this is lower than your board's peak memory
* bandwidth then your kernel's clock isn't fast enough
* to saturate memory
* approx. fmax = 121
Kernel mem bandwidth assuming ideal memory is greater than board's peak memory .
**************** TEST COMPLETED FOR DEVICE 0 *******************
root@c5soc:~# uname -a
Linux c5soc 4.19.29 #12 SMP Sun Apr 14 15:21:18 CST 2019 armv7l armv7l armv7l Gx