App Description: Application that allows users to create profiles and view local tennis courts with their respective available times. They will be able to book certain time slots to use and play, as well as have the ability to find fellow players in the area with similar skill levels or time availability to connect and play with.
- NodeJS
- EJS View Engine
- PostgreSQL
- Bootstrap
To run the application locally, clone the repository and navigate to the src folder:
cd "Project Code"/src
One there, it is possible to start the application through docker by typing the command:
docker compose up
Once starting the application, the app will be live at http://localhost:3000
If starting the application a second time, it is required to first enter the command
docker compose down -v
in order to clear the volumes of the database, which will allow all of the test cases to pass.
The running of the test cases are fully handled in the docker compose up
If the application is successfully running, then all of the test cases have passed.
The Deployed Application can be found at []