A Star Wars Fantasy Flight dice roller bot for Discord.
Created for a bunch of rebels to play Age of Resistance on Discord, but we might as well share it to the rest of the galaxy because those dice rolls are weird.
/swoll [[number=1][die type]]...
Die Types:
a: Ability
p: Proficiency
c: Challenge
d: Difficulty
b: Boost
s: Setback
f: Force (can't be chained)
t: Ten (d10) (can't be chained)
h: Hundred (d100) (can't be chained)
/swoll 3a1p2c1b2s
/swoll 3f
/swoll h
Needs environmental variable S3B0_TOKEN to be set if you want to run this yourself. See set_env.sh.example
for a Linux/OSX method.
Using py-cord v2 library.
Please open an issue for any bugs or feature requests.