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thornoe committed Mar 22, 2024
1 parent 8c23cfa commit 07e8edd
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72 changes: 47 additions & 25 deletions gis/
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Expand Up @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):
scores_all = scores.copy() # scores for all sets of predictors being tested

# DataFrame for storing ecological status by year and calculating weighted average
status = pd.DataFrame(subset.count(), index=subset.columns, columns=["n"])
status["Obs"] = (subset < 2.5).sum() / status["n"] # ecological status < good
status = scores.copy() # likewise, covers the years in the natural capital account
status["Obs"] = (subset[years] < 2.5).sum() / status["n"] # eco status < good
status.loc["Total", "Obs"] = (status["Obs"] * status["n"]).sum() / status["n"].sum()
status_all = status.copy() # eco status for all sets of predictors being tested

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,29 +252,52 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):

# Dummies for typology
cols = list(dicts.values())
cols_names = list(dicts.keys())
cols_abbreviations = list(dicts.keys())

# Merge DataFrames for typology and observed ecological status
dfTypology = dfObs.merge(dummies[cols], on="wb")
dfTypology = dfObs.merge(dummies[cols_abbreviations], on="wb")

# Subset dfTypology to waterbodies where ecological status is observed at least once
obs = dfTypology.loc[dfEcoObs.notna().any(axis=1)] # 96 out of 108 waterbodies

# df for storing number of observed coastal waters and yearly distribution by dummies
d = pd.DataFrame(dfEcoObs.count(), index=dfEcoObs.columns, columns=["n"]).astype(int)
# Empty dfs for storing yearly share, share by dummy, and basis by dummy respectively
d = pd.DataFrame(index=dfEcoObs.columns) # yearly number of obs and share by dummy
VPstats = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Observed subset", "All in VP3"]) # share by dummy
VPbasis = VPstats.copy() # mean basis analysis by dummy

# Yearly distribution of observed coastal waters by typology and district
for c in cols:
d[c] = 100 * obs[obs[c] == 1].count() / obs.count()
d.loc["Obs of n", c] = 100 * len(obs[obs[c] == 1]) / len(obs)
d.loc["Obs of all", c] = 100 * len(obs[obs[c] == 1]) / len(dfVP)
d.loc["All in VP3", c] = 100 * len(dummies[dummies[c] == 1]) / len(dfVP)
d.loc["Obs of n", "n"] = len(obs) # number of waterbodies observed at least once
d.loc["Obs of all", "n"] = len(dfVP) # number of waterbodies in VP3
d.loc["All in VP3", "n"] = len(dfVP) # number of waterbodies in VP3
d = d.rename(columns=dicts) # rename columns to full names
d.to_csv("output/coastal_VP_stats.csv") # save distributions to csv
d.loc[("Obs of n", "Obs of all", "All in VP3"), :].T # report in percent
for c in cols_abbreviations:
d[c] = obs[obs[c] == 1].count() / obs.count()
d.loc["All obs", c] = len(obs[obs[c] == 1]) / len(obs)
d.loc["All in VP3", c] = len(dummies[dummies[c] == 1]) / len(dummies)
VPbasis.loc[c, "Observed subset"] = obs[obs[c] == 1]["Basis"].mean()
VPbasis.loc[c, "All in VP3"] = dfTypology[dfTypology[c] == 1]["Basis"].mean()
d["n"] = dfEcoObs.count().astype(int) # number of coastal waters observed each year
d.loc["All obs", "n"] = len(obs) # total number of coastal waters obs at least once
d.loc["All in VP3", "n"] = len(dfVP) # total number coastal waters in VP3
d = d.rename(columns=dicts) # rename columns from abbreviations to full names

# Save descriptive statistics by year to CSV
d.to_csv("output/coastal_VP_stats_yearly.csv") # yearly distributions

# Descriptive statistics by subset
VPstats["Observed subset"] = d.loc["All obs", :] # observed at least onces
VPstats["All in VP3"] = d.loc["All in VP3", :] # distribution of all in VP3
VPstats # Kattegat, Belt Sea, Baltic Sea, Water Exchange, Deep, Stratified less obs

# Mean basis analysis by dummy and subset
VPbasis = VPbasis.rename(index=dicts) # rename index from abbreviations to full names
VPbasis.loc["All", "Observed subset"] = obs["Basis"].mean() # for observed subset
VPbasis.loc["All", "All in VP3"] = dfTypology["Basis"].mean() # for all in VP3
VPbasis.loc["n", :] = VPstats.loc["n", :] # number of coastal waters by subset
VPbasis # eco status is higher for X streams, lower for Y

# Save descriptive statistics and mean basis analysis to CSV and LaTeX
for a, b in zip([VPstats, VPbasis], ["VP_stats", "VP_basis"]):
a.to_csv("output/coastal_" + b + ".csv") # save means by subset to CSV
f = {row: "{:0.0f}".format if row == "n" else "{:0.4f}".format for row in a.index}
with open("output/coastal_" + b + ".tex", "w") as tf:
tf.write(a.apply(f, axis=1).to_latex()) # apply formatter and save to LaTeX

Expand All @@ -283,9 +306,9 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):
# Forward stepwise selection of dummies - CV over all observed values in coastal waters
kwargs = {
"subset": dfEcoObs,
"dummies": cols_names,
"dummies": cols_abbreviations,
"data": dfObs,
"dfDummies": dfTypology.rename(columns=dicts),
"dfDummies": dfTypology,
"years": years,
selected, scores, status = stepwise_selection(**kwargs)
Expand All @@ -301,20 +324,19 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):
# status = pd.read_csv("output/coastal_eco_imp_LessThanGood.csv", index_col=0)

# Accuracy score by year and selected predictors
sco = scores.drop(columns="n").drop("Total")
sco = scores.drop(columns="n").drop("Total").rename(columns=dicts)

# Bar plot accuracy scores
f1 = sco.plot(
kind="bar", ylabel="Accuracy in predicting observed ecological status"
f1.savefig("output/coastal_eco_imp_accuracy.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") # save PDF

# Coastal waters with less than good ecological status by year and selected predictors
# Share of streams with less than good ecological status by year and selected predictors
status.index = status.index.astype(str) # convert index to string (to mimic read_csv)
listYears = [str(t) for t in range(1990, 2020 + 1)] # 1990 to 2020 as strings
status_years = status.loc[listYears, :] # subset to years in natural capital account
imp = status_years.drop(columns=["n", "Obs"]) # imputed status by selected predictors
obs = status_years[["Obs"]] # eco status of coastal waters observed the given year
status_years = status.drop("1989") # subset to years in natural capital account
imp = status_years.drop(columns=["n", "Obs"]).rename(columns=dicts) # selected dummies
obs = status_years[["Obs"]] # ecological status of streams observed the given year
obs.columns = ["Observed"] # rename 'Obs' to 'Observed'
sta = imp.merge(obs, left_index=True, right_index=True) # add Observed as last column

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97 changes: 66 additions & 31 deletions gis/
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Expand Up @@ -29,22 +29,22 @@
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

# Multivariate imputer using BayesianRidge() estimator with increased tolerance
imputer = IterativeImputer(tol=1e-1, max_iter=100, random_state=0)
imputer = IterativeImputer(tol=1e-1, max_iter=1000, random_state=0)

# Color-blind-friendly color scheme for qualitative data by Tol:
colors = {
"blue": "#4477AA",
"cyan": "#66CCEE",
"grey": "#BBBBBB", # moved up to be used for ecological status of observed lakes
"green": "#228833",
"yellow": "#CCBB44",
"grey": "#BBBBBB", # moved up to be used for ecological status of observed lakes
"red": "#EE6677",
"purple": "#AA3377",

# Set the default property-cycle and figure size for pyplots
color_cycler = cycler(color=list(colors.values())) # color cycler with 7 colors
linestyle_cycler = cycler(linestyle=["-", "--", ":", "-.", "-", "--", ":"]) # 7 styles
linestyle_cycler = cycler(linestyle=["-", "--", "-.", ":", "-", "--", ":"]) # 7 styles
plt.rc("axes", prop_cycle=(color_cycler + linestyle_cycler))
plt.rc("figure", figsize=[10, 6.2]) # golden ratio

Expand All @@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):
selected = [] # empty list for storing selected predictors
current_score, best_new_score = 0.0, 0.0 # initial scores

# DataFrame for storing accuracy scores by year and calculating weighted average
# DataFrames for storing accuracy scores by year and calculating weighted average
scores = pd.DataFrame(subset.count(), index=years, columns=["n"]).astype(int)
scores.loc["Total", "n"] = np.nan # row to calculate weighted average of scores
scores_all = scores.copy() # scores for all sets of predictors being tested

# DataFrame for storing ecological status by year and calculating weighted average
status = pd.DataFrame(subset.count(), index=subset.columns, columns=["n"])
status["Obs"] = (subset < 2.5).sum() / status["n"] # ecological status < good
# DataFrames for storing ecological status by year and calculating weighted average
status = scores.copy() # likewise, covers the years in the natural capital account
status["Obs"] = (subset[years] < 2.5).sum() / status["n"] # eco status < good
status.loc["Total", "Obs"] = (status["Obs"] * status["n"]).sum() / status["n"].sum()
status_all = status.copy() # eco status for all sets of predictors being tested

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,41 +235,76 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):

# Extend dfTypology with dummy for district DK2 (Sealand, Lolland, Falster, and Møn)
dfDistrict = dfTypology.merge(distr["DK2"], on="wb")
dfSparse = dfDistrict.merge(sparse[[]], on="wb") # subset w. status observed 1-4 times

# Empty DataFrame for storing total distribution by dummies
VPstats = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Sparse subset", "Observed subset", "All in VP3"])
# Set up DataFrames for descriptive statistics
dfSparse = dfDistrict.merge(sparse[[]], on="wb") # subset w. status observed 1-4 times
dfBasis = dfDistrict[dfDistrict["Basis"].notna()]
basis = dfEcoObs.merge(dfBasis[[]], on="wb")

# Empty dfs for storing distribution and mean basis analysis by dummy respectively
VPstats = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Sparse subset", "Observed subset", "Basis analysis", "All in VP3"]
VPbasis = VPstats.copy() # mean basis analysis by dummy

# Yearly distribution of observed lakes by typology and district
for a, b in zip([dfEcoObs, sparse], [dfDistrict, dfSparse]):
# Subset dfDistrict to lakes where ecological status is observed at least once
for a, b in zip([sparse, dfEcoObs], [dfSparse, dfDistrict]):
# Subset b (dfDistrict or dfSparse) to lakes where status is observed at least once
obs = b.loc[a.notna().any(axis=1)] # 779 out of 986 lakes in dfDistrict

# Subset b (dfDistrict or dfSparse) to lakes covered by basis analysis
basis = b[b["Basis"].notna()] # 791 out of 986 and 423 out of 423 respectively

# df for storing number of observed lakes and yearly distribution by dummies
d = pd.DataFrame(a.count(), index=a.columns, columns=["n"]).astype(int)
d = pd.DataFrame(index=a.columns)

# Yearly distribution of observed lakes by typology and district
# Yearly distribution of observed lakes by dummy (typology and district)
for c in cols:
d[c] = 100 * b[b[c] == 1].count() / b.count()
d.loc["Obs of n", c] = 100 * len(obs[obs[c] == 1]) / len(obs)
d.loc["Obs of all", c] = 100 * len(obs[obs[c] == 1]) / len(dfVP)
d.loc["All in VP3", c] = 100 * len(dfDistrict[dfDistrict[c] == 1]) / len(dfVP)
d.loc["Obs of n", "n"] = len(obs) # number of lakes observed at least once
d.loc["Obs of all", "n"] = len(dfVP) # number of lakes in VP3
d[c] = b[b[c] == 1].count() / b.count() # share w. dummy each year
d.loc["All obs", c] = len(obs[obs[c] == 1]) / len(obs)
d.loc["All basis", c] = len(basis[basis[c] == 1]) / len(basis)
d.loc["All in VP3", c] = len(b[b[c] == 1]) / len(b)
VPbasis.loc[c, "Observed subset"] = obs[obs[c] == 1]["Basis"].mean()
VPbasis.loc[c, "Basis analysis"] = basis[basis[c] == 1]["Basis"].mean()
VPbasis.loc[c, "All in VP3"] = b[b[c] == 1]["Basis"].mean()

# Number of lakes
d["n"] = a.count().astype(int) # number of lakes observed each year
d.loc["All obs", "n"] = len(obs) # number of lakes observed at least once
d.loc["All basis", "n"] = len(basis) # number of lakes covered by basis analysis
d.loc["All in VP3", "n"] = len(dfVP) # number of lakes in VP3

if b is dfSparse:
VPstats["Sparse subset"] = d.loc["Obs of n", :] # distribution in sparse df
d.to_csv("output/lakes_VP_stats_sparse.csv") # save to CSV
# Mean ecological status as assessed in basis analysis for VP3 by dummy and subset
VPbasis.loc["All", "Observed subset"] = obs["Basis"].mean() # for observed subset
VPbasis.loc["All", "Basis analysis"] = basis["Basis"].mean() # for basis analysis
VPbasis.loc["All", "All in VP3"] = b["Basis"].mean() # for all lakes in VP3

if a is sparse:
VPstats["Sparse subset"] = d.loc["All obs", :] # only observed 1-4 times
VPbasis["Sparse subset"] = VPbasis["Observed subset"] # observed 1-4 times
d = d.rename(index={"All obs": "All sparse"}) # the sparse subset
d = d.drop(["All basis", "All in VP3"]) # irrelevant for sparse subset
d.to_csv("output/lakes_VP_stats_yearly_sparse.csv") # yearly distributions
VPstats["Observed subset"] = d.loc["Obs of n", :] # distribution of observed
VPstats["Observed subset"] = d.loc["All obs", :] # observed at least onces
VPstats["Basis analysis"] = d.loc["All basis", :] # covered by basis analysis
VPstats["All in VP3"] = d.loc["All in VP3", :] # distribution of all in VP3
d.to_csv("output/lakes_VP_stats.csv") # save distributions to CSV
VPbasis.loc["n", :] = VPstats.loc["n", :] # number of lakes by subset
d.to_csv("output/lakes_VP_stats_yearly.csv") # save yearly distributions
VPstats # overrepresentation of Brown and Saline lakes in sparse (share is ~50% above)
VPbasis # eco status is higher for Deep but lower for DK2 and especially Brown, Saline

# Save descriptive statistics and mean basis analysis to CSV and LaTeX
for a, b in zip([VPstats, VPbasis], ["VP_stats", "VP_basis"]):
a.to_csv("output/lakes_" + b + ".csv") # save means by subset to CSV
f = {row: "{:0.0f}".format if row == "n" else "{:0.4f}".format for row in a.index}
with open("output/lakes_" + b + ".tex", "w") as tf:
tf.write(a.apply(f, axis=1).to_latex()) # apply formatter and save to LaTeX

# 2. Subset selection (note: CV takes ~ hours for sparse + ~6h for all observations)
# 2. Subset selection (note: CV takes ~2 hours for sparse + ~11h for all observations)
# # Example data for testing Forward Stepwise Selection with LOO-CV (takes ~5 seconds)
# dfEcoObs = pd.DataFrame(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,7 +347,6 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):

# Accuracy score by year and selected predictors
sco = scores.drop(columns="n").drop("Total")
sco.columns = ["No dummies", "Saline dummy"] # elaborate on "Saline" column name

# Bar plot accuracy scores
f1 = sco.plot(
Expand All @@ -322,10 +356,11 @@ def stepwise_selection(subset, dummies, data, dfDummies, years):

# Share of lakes with less than good ecological status by year and selected predictors
status.index = status.index.astype(str) # convert index to string (to mimic read_csv)
listYears = [str(t) for t in range(1990, 2020 + 1)] # 1990 to 2020 as strings
status_years = status.loc[listYears, :] # subset to years in natural capital account
sta = status_years[["No dummies", "Saline", "Obs"]] # reorder: "Obs" last
sta.columns = ["No dummies", "Saline dummy", "Observed"] # elaborate column names
status_years = status.drop("1989") # subset to years in natural capital account
imp = status_years.drop(columns=["n", "Obs"]) # imputed status by selected predictors
obs = status_years[["Obs"]] # ecological status of lakes observed the given year
obs.columns = ["Observed"] # rename 'Obs' to 'Observed'
sta = imp.merge(obs, left_index=True, right_index=True) # add Observed as last column

# Plot share of lakes with less than good ecological status
f2 = sta.plot(
Expand Down

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